Private Health Plans May Provide a Lower-Cost Alternative to ACA Plans

Private health plans


Private health insurance plans are available to individuals and families who want a more basic but less expensive plan than those through the Marketplace. In some cases, the premiums are 25-60% less than personal ACA or Employer Group health plans. These plans also provide larger Nationwide PPO and POS health care provider networks. Some of these plans can also be set up to provide 100% coverage for the treatment of accidental injuries as well as a significant discount if the policy is paid in full instead of month to month. There are some coverage exclusions and restrictions which must be discussed before buying one of these plans. These plans are available for sale year-round and are not subject to an open enrollment window.

 Contributing Author: Bill Neglia, Benefits Advisor at Neglia Insurance Group. The agency works with individuals, families, business owners, and their employees to make sure they have the most suitable and cost-effective insurance plans at all times. Complete the inquiry form, and a Neglia Insurance Group agent will contact you promptly.


