How Should You Choose an Injury Lawyer?

If you experience an injury due to someone else’s negligence, you will face many important decisions in the days, weeks, and months following the injury. Choosing an injury lawyer to represent you is often the most critical element in a successful recovery. But how should you choose an injury lawyer? Here are five factors to consider.
- Is the lawyer’s fee reasonable? Some firms charge clients up to 40% to settle a case plus case expenses. Selecting a lawyer is like choosing any other service. It pays to be informed about costs and fees upfront. At Pirkle Law Firm, we settle car accident injury cases for a 29% fee.
- Did you talk to the lawyer that will be representing you? Many large firms have intake staff and case managers that handle files, and clients rarely speak with their lawyers. At my firm, every client receives my personal cell phone number and communicates directly with me about their case.
- Does the lawyer focus their practice on personal injury law? The days of hiring one lawyer for all of one’s legal needs are gone. The law is too complex for one lawyer to be competent in many areas. At Pirkle Law Firm, we handle only injury cases.
- Did the lawyer outline reasonable expectations for your case? We have all watched TV commercials with lawyers describing million-dollar settlements, but in reality, these cases are few and far between. Be skeptical of any lawyer that promises a significant result and does not disclose potential issues or problems with your case. An effective lawyer must know all of the facts. Ignoring the negative aspects of a case prevents a lawyer from overcoming or limiting them down the road at trial or settlement negotiations.
- Are you comfortable with the lawyer? You must be able to communicate effectively with your lawyer. Your lawyer should explain things in plain terms that are easy to understand and allow you to ask questions along the way.
If you have questions regarding personal injury or filing a claim, contact me at the Pirkle Law Firm and complete the inquiry form. I will contact you promptly.