Westside Future Fund CEO: Private & public housing subsidies needed as corporate investment ramps up

If you call “heads,” the odds you will win in a coin toss is 50/50, but are only 25% of winning two successive coin tosses if you call heads for both.
Despite the odds, the long-term legacy residents and business owners of the Donald Lee Hollowell corridor need two successive coin toss wins, or they will face the loss of housing displacement from their community and its ascendant economic opportunity. However, with intentional action buttressed by public and private subsidies, local public…
If you call “heads,” the odds you will win in a coin toss is 50/50, but are only 25% of winning two successive coin tosses if you call heads for both.
Despite the odds, the long-term legacy residents and business owners of the Donald Lee Hollowell corridor need two successive coin toss wins, or they will face the loss of housing displacement from their community and its ascendant economic opportunity. However, with intentional action buttressed by public and private subsidies, local public… Read MoreAtlanta Business News – Local Atlanta News | Atlanta Business Chronicle